• safe INOTEBOOK 11.0 how install


    Description: iNotebook; Lifestyles; ; 7168 KB; jianan lei


    iNotebook record your life, your work, and your feelings, write down all with iNotebook. it lets you note everything you want, ideas, diary, to do list, VIP information, footmark whenever you travel all over the world. - Diary: May be you do not write your diary for a long time, but it's important for you. What are you thinking, how do you feel, what is happening in your life? Diary will help you remember some special days, feelings in detail. - Memo: for your idea, to do list, meeting agenda, scheduled work, shopping list, and anything you want to note. - VIP: Some one is very important for your business, work or life, you can record his or her information here. - Footmark: May be you are a travel lover, and have been visited many places in the world. Now you can note your footmarks here, country visited, city visited, arrival time, hotel, sites visited and your visiting feelings. - Small tools: Simple calculator. Features - Friendly notes list - Create, Edit or delete notes. - Password: you can set password to open notebook, and change or disable it whenever you want.

    Version for Sierra INOTEBOOK.11.3.8UULI.PKG
    to MacBook Air gHtWd-11.1-iNotebook.tar.gz
    Updated Mac iNotebook-v.11.2-GKc5.pkg
    New iMac Pro INOTEBOOK.V.12.0.Q35J.ZIP
    Updated for OS X 11.4-inotebook-abqd.dmg

    jianan lei

    Updated version VER..1.3ALPHA1.JUPLOADR.XYILV.APP [2970 kb] 3.2alpha1
    MacBook VERSION-9.0-COMPANIONLINK-JVGHI.DMG [11187 kb] 8.1

    Software NQBSH VERSION 11.4 INOTEBOOK 13.0 Recomended on El Captan
    Get v 11.1 iNotebook Effb9w 13.0 Recomended! version
    App JQP2 ver. 11.3 iNotebook 11.1 Updated version

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